Tag Archives: search

How important is organic search as a site referrer [#DigitalInsight]

An example analysis of Groupon s traffic showing a signficant proportion of direct traffic could be SEO-related Gaining organic traffic from SEO is a significant inbound marketing investment for many businesses, so making the business case and demonstrating returns from SEO is important. The typical approach for this is naturally to use Google Analytics to report on the organic traffic segment. Since Google Analytics can no longer reliably provide SEO keyword data due to the growth in keywords marked not provided we have written about how to use Google Webmaster Tools keyword data to determine keywords. We re alerting readers to this example, since it shows that you should make colleagues (or clients) aware that significant additional SEO traffic may be hidden as a referrer. Case shows that 60% of direct traffic is actually organic search This research summary of Groupon visitor referrers  from Conductor summarises the importance of SEO to Groupon based on their standard analy

The benefits of integrating search and social media advertising #DigitalInsights

New research shows a significant multiplier effect from combining search and social media advertising This research summarises how some advertisers are making their online media buys more effective by integrating social and search campaigns together. Marin Software surveyed over 200 Advertisers, managing Google, Facebook and Bing campaigns and their report reveals tactics and strategies that have worked for leading brands. As we would expect from the theory of the 4Cs of integrated communications, the findings showed that marketers who integrate their search and social advertising programs find significantly more consumers who are not only more likely to convert, but who are also likely to spend more . This multichannel research showed that advertisers achieve a 68% higher conversion rate when their search campaigns are integrated with social advertising. Download their full research on integrating search and social media advertising (registration is required) to find out 5 strateg

How to Use Semantic Markup to Improve Your Search Results

Do you want search engines to find your content easily? Do you want search results related to your content to stand out? You can tell search engines exactly what your content is to make it easier for them to index it. In this article you ll discover the basics and benefits of semantic markup and how […]This post How to Use Semantic Markup to Improve Your Search Results first appeared on Social Media Examiner. Social Media Examiner – Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

How to Use Twitter Advanced Search Queries for Leads

Do you struggle to find leads on Twitter? Have you used Twitter advanced search queries? Twitter s constant stream of updates makes it difficult to find the people and conversations you re looking for. In this article you ll discover what Twitter advanced search queries are and how to use them to generate leads for your business. Why […]This post How to Use Twitter Advanced Search Queries for Leads first appeared on Social Media Examiner. Social Media Examiner – Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

4 Ways to Rank Higher in YouTube Search Results

Do you want more people to see your YouTube videos? Have you optimized your videos for search? If people can t find you, they can t watch your videos or subscribe to your channel, which hurts your search ranking. In this article you ll find four ways to tweak your videos to rank higher in YouTube search. Why […]This post 4 Ways to Rank Higher in YouTube Search Results first appeared on Social Media Examiner. Social Media Examiner – Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

How is search marketing managed today? [Infographic]

Who makes search happen? The latest SEMPO and ClickZ Salary Survey on Search Marketing reveals the answers This research gives a good summary of how search marketing is managed. Interesting if you re a search specialist or you manage search. The research shows the  growth, availability, and day-to-day operations happening in the search marketing industry in the the SEMPO and ClickZ Salary Survey Results. What are search marketers getting paid? What is the job growth for search? How many search marketers are in agencies? Answers to these questions along with discoveries relating to search marketers’ salaries, job roles and responsibilities, verticals/segments, compensation extras and perks, budgets and more can be found in the 2013 Salary Survey Results. The survey was conducted to better understand the constantly evolving search marketing industry. The results of the survey provide valuable insights regarding the direction of the industry and what to look for in 2014. The 4th Annua

Managing your Online Brand Reputation in search engines, social media and publisher sites

Examples and tips of using ORM to protect your Brand and increase brand loyalty Online Reputation Management or ORM is a vital part of any online branding strategy. It is the new PR. Word might spread fast in print, but it doesn t come close to the speed in which messages reach the masses on the Internet. Managing your online reputation is not as difficult as you think, Over the past few years, many online reputation management companies have sprung up, but in many cases are a waste of your time and money as I ll explain. A major part of managing your online reputation revolves around heightening the amount of good exposure in the results of various search engines and minimizing the amount of negative exposure. This is particularly the case for brand name related searches. Essentially, you only want positive results showing up on Google s first page, as users do not usually proceed beyond that. You want any negative stuff to be buried on page 2 and beyond. However, while monitoring Go

How Boolean Search Improves Your Social Media Monitoring

Do you search for information on social media? Did you know that Boolean search isn t just for search engines? Many of the main social networks accept some form of traditional Boolean search operators, as well as their own, to help users identify specific information about content, brand mentions, even other users. In this article I ll […]This post How Boolean Search Improves Your Social Media Monitoring first appeared on Social Media Examiner. Social Media Examiner – Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

Ensuring you get your share of mobile search

Maximise Google to improve your mobile search Truly great search is all about turning intentions into actions, lightning fast. In the early days of Google, users would type in a query, we’d return ten blue links, and they’d move on happy , says Google in its AdWords blog. That’s not enough today’s mobile users. 50% of mobile interactions start with a search, and users want more from that search.  When searching for great local restaurants, they want places to eat right there on the results page, not another click or two away. It’s the same with hotels, flight options, directions and shopping , the blog continues. Google, a self-proclaimed ‘mobile first’ company, has invested heavily in technology, slick marketing and an extensive suite of search tools to drive consumer demand and assist marketers in taking advantage of the opportunity to delivered personalised, time and location sensitive results. Google estimates that mobile search is growing 8 times faster than PC sea